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Recent progress in additive manufacturing has enabled the creation of thermoplastic material extrusion (TME) 3D-printed structures with embedded sensors in a single process, facilitating the cost-effective fabrication of intelligent structures. Prior research has explored single-process TME dynamic strain sensors, but the concept of vibration durability self-awareness extends beyond mere strain sensing, raising several critical inquiries. These include the specificity of sensor placement in relation to the structure, the comparative fatigue life of the sensor relative to the structure itself, and the impact of fatigue on the sensor's self-awareness function. This study experimentally investigates these questions. Two fatigue detection methods are examined: the peak-response method and…
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Recent progress in additive manufacturing has enabled the creation of thermoplastic material extrusion (TME) 3D-printed structures with embedded sensors in a single process, facilitating the cost-effective fabrication of intelligent structures. Prior research has explored single-process TME dynamic strain sensors, but the concept of vibration durability self-awareness extends beyond mere strain sensing, raising several critical inquiries. These include the specificity of sensor placement in relation to the structure, the comparative fatigue life of the sensor relative to the structure itself, and the impact of fatigue on the sensor's self-awareness function. This study experimentally investigates these questions. Two fatigue detection methods are examined: the peak-response method and the frequency-drop method. The findings reveal that a vibration durability self-aware structure, fabricated in a single process, is feasible, with the frequency-drop method providing accurate fatigue life estimates.