  • Cover
  • 53. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchmechanik und Bauteilsicherheit
  • 53. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchmechanik und Bauteilsicherheit

53. Tagung des DVM-Arbeitskreises Bruchmechanik und Bauteilsicherheit

Fracture mechanical material and component evaluation: stress analysis, test methods and applications



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The fracture mechanics and component safety working group aims to establish a close link between the theoretically sound concept of fracture mechanics and its application in the integrity assessment of components. Component assessment requires patient detail work and a co-operative approach, as all sides of the fracture mechanics triangle must always be considered in context. Networking is therefore essential, not only in numerical simulation to determine the crack tip stress, but also with colleagues from non-destructive testing or materials engineering. The working group also supports this networking to the best of its ability with its working groups on material fatigue, simulation, mixed mode problems and fracture mechanics of welded joints. I would like to cordially invite all colleagues to participate.

The 53rd meeting of the working group will take place this year under the sign of the corona pandemic. The original plan was to hold the meeting at Bremen University of Applied Sciences with the local organiser, Professor Frank Jablonski. However, it became apparent as early as summer 2020 that it would not be possible to organise an in-person event. The DVM, the local organiser and the programme committee therefore decided to hold the 2021 conference as an internet-based video conference. After the decision was communicated, almost 30 lecture registrations were received. In my opinion, this demonstrates the importance of the topics. We are not organising parallel sessions this time. I am looking forward to this conference with great anticipation and would like to thank the local organiser, Professor Jablonski, most sincerely for his commitment in organising this year's completely new event, the organisation of which has fallen upon him.

In addition to well-known colleagues, many young scientists and engineers have once again come forward to report on their experiences and results. They are making a great contribution to the success of this conference. It is good that they are supported and encouraged by their mentors. I would like to thank all the authors for their contributions.

My special thanks go to Mrs Leers and Mrs Bachofer from the DVM office. The office staff in particular are confronted with new formats on the one hand and short-time working on the other. I admire the fact that the organisation is nevertheless running smoothly as usual. I am also very grateful to the Programme Committee, whose suggestions and advice have, as always, made a major contribution.

Michael Vormwald
Chairman of the DVM working group on fracture mechanics and component safety
Darmstadt, January 2021


53. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Bruchmechanik und Bauteilsicherheit. Bruchmechanische Werkstoff- und Bauteilbewertung: Beanspruchungsanalyse, Prüfmethoden und Anwendungen
M. Vormwald
53rd Meeting of the Working Group Fracture Mechanics and Component Safety
Year of publication
Publication type
conference proceedings (PDF)
Fracture mechanics, component safety