- Online only

Test benches involve high operating costs for OEMs and test service providers. In the ideal world a test bench should run 24/7.
shorten test cycles, deliver high quality in result interpretation and test documentation, reduced test costs.
Automated image processing & crack detection, online direct at the test benches. Even under harsh conditions in climate chambers and on shakers.
Direct linked with the test bench trigger signal, precise definition of the events; reduced runtime, less manually inspection; crack formation and propagation is documented, automatic test stop at predefined crack length.
Datenschutzbedingungen (bearbeiten im Modul "Kundenvorteile")
Lieferbedingungen (bearbeiten im Modul "Kundenvorteile")
Rücksendebedingungen (bearbeiten im Modul "Kundenvorteile")
Test benches involve high operating costs for OEMs and test service providers. In the ideal world a test bench should run 24/7.
shorten test cycles, deliver high quality in result interpretation and test documentation, reduced test costs.
Automated image processing & crack detection, online direct at the test benches. Even under harsh conditions in climate chambers and on shakers.
Direct linked with the test bench trigger signal, precise definition of the events; reduced runtime, less manually inspection; crack formation and propagation is documented, automatic test stop at predefined crack length.