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Erste Seite DVM-TAG-2023-144
  • Erste Seite DVM-TAG-2023-144

Digitalization of the mechanical load-bearing implants- a review on chances and risks of individualization and data collection

Personalized medicine is the most effective treatment method compared to other traditional methods for certain diseases. Finding an appropriate treatment plan for individuals or patient groups needs a wide range of examinations that raise the importance of medical digitalization. Mammalia could suffer injuries or failing tissues in their lifetime, which may restrict their independent life comfort. Implants deliver the best solution to replacing failed tissues to enhance life quality and play an essential role in preserving our personal and social mobility. As technology emerges, additive manufacturing and digitalization promise significant advantages for personalized implants, increasing individuals' healthiness and mobility even at high ages. This article systematically reviews the…

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Personalized medicine is the most effective treatment method compared to other traditional methods for certain diseases. Finding an appropriate treatment plan for individuals or patient groups needs a wide range of examinations that raise the importance of medical digitalization. Mammalia could suffer injuries or failing tissues in their lifetime, which may restrict their independent life comfort. Implants deliver the best solution to replacing failed tissues to enhance life quality and play an essential role in preserving our personal and social mobility. As technology emerges, additive manufacturing and digitalization promise significant advantages for personalized implants, increasing individuals' healthiness and mobility even at high ages. This article systematically reviews the current state of the art in mechanical load-bearing implants digitalization and data collection and identifies challenges for future research; regardless of some advanced digital implants invention, it is still necessary to push frontiers and develop data collection systems, especially for the traditional mechanical load-bearing implant in use.


Digitalization of the mechanical load-bearing implants- a review on chances and risks of individualization and data collection
M. Salavati, T. Rosnitschek, C. Kleinschrodt, S. Tremmel, C. Fleck
Mobilität der Zukunft – Bauteilzuverlässigkeit im digitalen Zeitalter - DVM-Tag 2023
Jahr der Veröffentlichung
Tagungsmanuskript (PDF)
Load-bearing implants,Implants digitalization,personal mobility,Digital Implants