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The focus of this research is the prediction of crack path on integrated raceways under rolling contact fatigue (RCF) in case-hardened and nitrided components. In addition to the rolling contact, the residual stresses and the complex load situation were also taken into account. Using a basic parametric study, the following possible parameters influencing crack growth and crack path were investigated: initial crack length/depth, contact pressure and friction between the crack surfaces. Crack path in the shaft and in the outer ring of the bearing were predicted and compared with the cracks that occurred in the same places during the test. 2D-crack growth simulations were performed using the FE program ABAQUS and the crack propagation simulation program ADAPCRACK3D developed by the…
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The focus of this research is the prediction of crack path on integrated raceways under rolling contact fatigue (RCF) in case-hardened and nitrided components. In addition to the rolling contact, the residual stresses and the complex load situation were also taken into account. Using a basic parametric study, the following possible parameters influencing crack growth and crack path were investigated: initial crack length/depth, contact pressure and friction between the crack surfaces. Crack path in the shaft and in the outer ring of the bearing were predicted and compared with the cracks that occurred in the same places during the test. 2D-crack growth simulations were performed using the FE program ABAQUS and the crack propagation simulation program ADAPCRACK3D developed by the University of Paderborn. The fracture mechanics investigations are based on the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics and use the sub-model technique. The MVCCI method is used to calculate the stress intensity factors. The results of the crack growth simulations showed good agreement with some test results. The prediction of the crack path after spalling in the outer ring agreed very well with the crack path in the tests.
Previous publications:
The results in this paper were published in March 2024 as part of Stream 2 of the EASA project “Integrity Improvement of Rotorcraft Main Gear Box (MGB)” under grant agreement number MOVE/B3/SUB/2020-243/SI2.826742. Due to the contractual requirements for this research project, contractual progress/project reports and a presentation were published by EASA.