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The T-stress as a measure for the multiaxiality or constraint is well-known in linear-elastic fracture mechanics. It is also used as a measure for the size and shape of the plastic zone in front of the crack tip and therefore potentially has a direct influence on plasticity-induced crack closure (PICC).
The focus of the investigation is to experimentally study different levels of T-stress on the crack opening displacement and hence crack closure und opening. For this, force-controlled crack propagation tests were performed on the titanium alloy Ti6246 at room temperature. The tests utilizing cruciform specimens and a biaxial test-rig. This experimental set-up allows to systematically adjust and compare different T-stress levels and their influence on the crack propagation…
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The T-stress as a measure for the multiaxiality or constraint is well-known in linear-elastic fracture mechanics. It is also used as a measure for the size and shape of the plastic zone in front of the crack tip and therefore potentially has a direct influence on plasticity-induced crack closure (PICC).
The focus of the investigation is to experimentally study different levels of T-stress on the crack opening displacement and hence crack closure und opening. For this, force-controlled crack propagation tests were performed on the titanium alloy Ti6246 at room temperature. The tests utilizing cruciform specimens and a biaxial test-rig. This experimental set-up allows to systematically adjust and compare different T-stress levels and their influence on the crack propagation behavior. The tests were also monitored and analysed using a newly developed Digital Image Correlation (DIC) camera. This made it possible to analyse crack growth directions, crack flank opening and to measure crack closure forces for different crack flank positions. Ultimately, this approach allowed PICC to be studied.
In this paper, two tests with different T-stresses are evaluated and compared. It can be seen that a varying T-stress, despite its influence on the plastic zone, has very little effect on the crack-closing forces of the biaxially loaded cruciform specimen test-series.