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The increasing electrification of vehicles and the simultaneous rise in environmental compatibility requirements are driving the automotive industry to greater development efforts. In this context, the design of battery packs plays a major role, with a battery pack usually consisting of many welded individual components.
The main aspect is the structural durability, under dynamic loads, of the welded joints connecting the single cells. Many of these joints are designed to resist dynamic vibration loads from random or harmonic sources.
This paper discusses the fatigue analysis of these joints when subjected to multi-axial random PSD vibration loading in the frequency domain. Attention is paid to the modelling of both sequential (i.e. uniaxial shaker tables) and…
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The increasing electrification of vehicles and the simultaneous rise in environmental compatibility requirements are driving the automotive industry to greater development efforts. In this context, the design of battery packs plays a major role, with a battery pack usually consisting of many welded individual components.
The main aspect is the structural durability, under dynamic loads, of the welded joints connecting the single cells. Many of these joints are designed to resist dynamic vibration loads from random or harmonic sources.
This paper discusses the fatigue analysis of these joints when subjected to multi-axial random PSD vibration loading in the frequency domain. Attention is paid to the modelling of both sequential (i.e. uniaxial shaker tables) and simultaneously applied (i.e. multi-axial vibration tables) vibration loading.
The following topics are addressed in this paper:
A brief introduction to the modelling of batteries by means of spot welds using the finite element method.
Fatigue analysis of spot welds based on a method closely related to previous publications on the same subject.
Calculation of PSD stresses at the joint based on results from a finite element frequency response analysis, using the complex transfer functions, along with the applied sequential or simultaneous random PSD loading (i.e. the complex cross-power spectral matrix).
Calculation of the fatigue damage obtained from the PSD of stresses.
All these topics will be demonstrated by means of an example process.